Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20th update

It was a very busy weekend for Nancy. A member from their church was so kind to come and mow the lawn and help hang some ferns. It is amazing how encouraging those simple things can be! It has been amazing to see how folks have been so generous in these last days. One woman from their church offered to make quilts out of some of Brian's shirts for each child. How wonderful that is! I think it means so much to Nancy and the family for folks to think about ways to memorialize Brian!

Last night Nancy had some women from her church Bible study come over. They were so kind and encouraging but it is nonetheless hard as Nancy was part of the group as a married woman and is now a widow. She did manage to get a good night sleep last night but please pray that she can sleep more. It is hard enough to deal with this but to deal with it without sleep is so much harder. Again, as I mentioned before, the nights are the hardest.

Please pray for wisdom and direction as Nancy works through trying to see if she can refinance her mortgage or find a way to lower her monthly costs. It is hard to think about these big issues when she has no income right now. The main thing we want to try to do is keep Nancy in the house at least for the short term. Pray for my parents and other advisors who are trying to help Nancy and the family figure out how to deal with all the financial situations.

My mother told me an encouraging thing about Nancy on Saturday. She told me that she saw a great strength in my sister and that she is really encouraged to see how she is doing. I'm sure a large part of that reason is the faithful prayers of his people, like you!

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